So, Here is my oldest in his first stock show, taking fourth place. The 1st and 2nd place lambs there to the right also went on to win Grand and Reserve, so it was a tight class and I was pretty darn proud of how well he did. It is a neat thing when your kids get to enjoy something that you enjoyed so much when you were young, too.
My kids loved it. My Daughter talked about it over and over. My hubby would like to see them milking the real thing, in our back yard--Maybe when fuel prices get a bit higher and we can't ever leave home again, then maybe will I agree, but just finding someone to feed calves and horses and chickens is enough of a trial when leaving for a day or two, let alone finding someone to milk a cow. I know, I know, keep a calf on her, but still , I'm holding out for now.
And here is our Media Director for the Nevada Farm Bureau, Zach Allen, working hard at the Farm Bureau booth--he stayed busy all week and did a great job promoting Ag in our state. Nice booth with great Ag products from all over the state!
And here are the great women of Farm Bureau with fun facts and games!! Cindy Hardy, Irene Barlow, Stephanie Bunker, all worked hard for Clark County Farm Bureau, while our Field Representative for the State, Stephanie Licht, is always busy and hard at work!
Clark County also sponsored a dinner for their YF&R, with incoming Chair, Micah Leatham working hard at recruiting several new members. Then it was off to the rodeo for the evening. So, THANK YOU to Jim Hardy for his work on the evening and efforts to bring it together and THANK YOU to Clark County Farm Bureau for sponsoring it. THANK YOU to Blake Stratton for the past few years he has spent as the Chair of YF&R in their county and the time and effort he has put in there. Keep up the good work down there, Clark County, we are proud of your time and efforts that make this such a great fair for so many that might not get a taste of Farm life otherwise.
4-H and Nevada Dairy Council always had great informative Ag booths. Of course, my oldest and little sis were enjoy the butter-carving (playing) contest. At least until mom dragged them off for the livestock sell.
And the show is done, the sell is over, we rode the rides, saw the booths, had lots of fun, but a big sigh of relief comes at the end. So, one last thank you to Uncle Al for all his great help at the show and all his dedicated years of service to the 4-H and FFA kids his has helped, from his own family, to many, many more.
Hope you all enjoyed the fair, and if you missed it--well, maybe we will see you there next year!!
It was great seeing you there! The YF&R dinner was fun, I it when we get together. And I have to agree with you, phew! It's over! You do a awesome job on this blog :)