My kids are growing like weeds, while my pastures is growing with a few weeds--but, it's GROWING! Where once was dirt (though many years ago my grandpa did raise alfalfa out here)we now have a grass hay pasture that we have been working on since last year--just about the time we got all or our plumbing ready to go in, my mother-in-law became ill and so most of it was put off until this spring. Now, my kids have had the 'fun' and 'happy' experience of picking rocks, which they of course, hated passionately, but is one of those treasured opportunities that no farm kids should really go without. ;) (Yep, you should have heard me whine as I had to move 'pipes' as a kid, especially since my hand-me down water boots always had holes in them.) 
It's a small step for us, but we are excited about it. The kids helped dad disc, which they definitely enjoyed more than the rock picking. And, of course, my filly, Penny, was a lot of help, too, as she loves to try to understand everything that is going on, especially the tractor that had invaded her space.
So, here it was just a few months ago.....
....And, here it is today, with way more windrows than I expected!!
Agriculture is a BIG deal, even on a small basis. From backyard gardens and 'Hobby' farms all the way up to the Corporate Farms with thousands of is our backbone, and satisfy's the most human needs--giving us nourishment, fiber, and work.
Take a look around, how does agriculture affect your daily life???
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