American Farm Bureau helps Nevada YF&R GROW!!
Nevada Farm Bureau's Young Farmer & Rancher
Kadee Buckmaster, Stacie Schwandt, Charlie Mann (our moderator), Lacey Sproul and Aly Reynolds compete in the Final Round of the Discussion Meet) |
(Unfortunately, I didn't have my camera out during the first two rounds, so all the pic's are of the Final Four round)
YF&R Breakfast & Committee Meeting
Blake and Kessa Stratton represent Clark County YF&R. Blake is the County YF&R Chair and has been helping to build the program there.
Lacey & Jasmine
So, after all the great food was gone, we held our meeting, reviewed the previous year, the year to come, budget, program of work, harvest for all, ag literacy program, etc. One step at a time, we are building and growing!
American Farm Bureau Teaches Nevada How to Build Their YF&R Program
YFR& Report
By: Jamie Perkins, Chair
Another great annual meeting has come and gone for the Nevada Farm Bureau. And, hopefully, with it came inspiration and tools for county board members to take home and start growing the Young Farmer and Rancher Program in their areas. With the help of Matt Scramlin, a staff member with the American Farm Bureau Federation, we were given lots of great ideas to implement to build the program. Matt teaches a workshop that Nevada Farm Bureau members were first exposed to last year at the Western Region Farm Bureau Meetings held in Sparks. Those who attended the workshop there felt that it would be a great asset to the state meeting in order to spread ideas and tools that our county boards could use, so we did.
If I have said it once, I have probably said it a hundred times, but without the Young Farmer and Ranchers in our organization, we are missing our future leadership. So, it is pretty important that we find out who they are and give them the opportunity to get involved. So how do we do that?
#1: Problem Solving Approach—In this approach, Farm Bureau members are encouraged to invite potential YF&R members and offer them an opportunity to talk and discuss (solve problems) about issues facing agriculture today. After the discussion, which could involve a dinner, also, they would be invited back for further discussion and involvement.
#2: Organizing a Committee Approach—In this approach, FB members would get approval from the Board President to move forward on organizing and building a YF&R committee for their county, by searching out potential members, inviting them to a meeting/potluck where a state YF&R member would give a presentation about YF&R and then talk about formation of a committee, and decide if they were ready to go ahead with that or set a date for a future meeting where they could do so. They would also have opportunity to consider activities and projects and begin assigning sub-committees for those, also.
#3: A Social Event Approach—the third approach we were taught involved the county sponsoring a social activity for potential YF&R members to attend, at which time they would be able to give a presentation on the YF&R program and talk to those who would be interested in getting more involved.
When I first became Chair, I was taught that there are Three Hot Buttons that get people involved—the idea being that all people have at least one of the three as a need for them to join a group—Social Opportunities, Leadership Development, and the Chance to make a Difference, which all seemed to be covered by one or more of these approaches. Not everyone joins Farm Bureau for all the same reasons, so we need to make sure we try to find out others needs and how to meet them, also. And, if you are interested in getting together and having a state YF&R representative there, just send me an email and we’ll see what we can work out, and GOOD LUCK GROWING!!
American Farm Bureau Teaches Nevada How to Build Their YF&R Program
YFR& Report
By: Jamie Perkins, Chair
Another great annual meeting has come and gone for the Nevada Farm Bureau. And, hopefully, with it came inspiration and tools for county board members to take home and start growing the Young Farmer and Rancher Program in their areas. With the help of Matt Scramlin, a staff member with the American Farm Bureau Federation, we were given lots of great ideas to implement to build the program. Matt teaches a workshop that Nevada Farm Bureau members were first exposed to last year at the Western Region Farm Bureau Meetings held in Sparks. Those who attended the workshop there felt that it would be a great asset to the state meeting in order to spread ideas and tools that our county boards could use, so we did.
If I have said it once, I have probably said it a hundred times, but without the Young Farmer and Ranchers in our organization, we are missing our future leadership. So, it is pretty important that we find out who they are and give them the opportunity to get involved. So how do we do that?
#1: Problem Solving Approach—In this approach, Farm Bureau members are encouraged to invite potential YF&R members and offer them an opportunity to talk and discuss (solve problems) about issues facing agriculture today. After the discussion, which could involve a dinner, also, they would be invited back for further discussion and involvement.
#2: Organizing a Committee Approach—In this approach, FB members would get approval from the Board President to move forward on organizing and building a YF&R committee for their county, by searching out potential members, inviting them to a meeting/potluck where a state YF&R member would give a presentation about YF&R and then talk about formation of a committee, and decide if they were ready to go ahead with that or set a date for a future meeting where they could do so. They would also have opportunity to consider activities and projects and begin assigning sub-committees for those, also.
#3: A Social Event Approach—the third approach we were taught involved the county sponsoring a social activity for potential YF&R members to attend, at which time they would be able to give a presentation on the YF&R program and talk to those who would be interested in getting more involved.
When I first became Chair, I was taught that there are Three Hot Buttons that get people involved—the idea being that all people have at least one of the three as a need for them to join a group—Social Opportunities, Leadership Development, and the Chance to make a Difference, which all seemed to be covered by one or more of these approaches. Not everyone joins Farm Bureau for all the same reasons, so we need to make sure we try to find out others needs and how to meet them, also. And, if you are interested in getting together and having a state YF&R representative there, just send me an email and we’ll see what we can work out, and GOOD LUCK GROWING!!
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