As Nevada Farm Bureau's Young Farmer's and Rancher's We Are the Voice of Agriculture

Monday, October 10, 2011

Making Your Voice Heard.....

A HUGE part of what we do in Farm Bureau, is to be a voice for the agriculture industry.  Without our voices, the ones who live it, who understand it, sharing it, the vast majority of our society will just go on hoping that their food will just magically appear at the store and they will go on living happy, albeit, oblivious lives.  AND, there is so much more than just talking about agriculture--there is the policy that keeps it safe, protects it from crazy and damaging legislation, that promotes it and puts it in  the correct place of importance in the minds of legislators and the public. 

SO, if you are interested in sharing your voice, when it comes to water rights, irrigation prices, wildlife habitat, wild horses , public and federal lands, brand inspection, commodities, education, and so much more, then check out Nevada Farm Bureau's Policy.  With the annual meeting coming up, it is the perfect time to read up on policy and see if you agree or disagree or if you have an opinion on something that should be added.  The link below will take you to the list of the policies that we already have, and that are up for review.  Take the time to raise your voice, speak up for agriculture and ensure the way of life that feeds the world.
General Ag Policy
Ag Research Policy
Commodities Policy
Education Policy
Extension Policy
Government Policy
Land Use Policy
Miscellaneous Policy
Natural Resources Policy
Pest and Weed Policy
PUC & Energy Policy
Taxes Policy
Transportation Policy
Water Policy

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