As Nevada Farm Bureau's Young Farmer's and Rancher's We Are the Voice of Agriculture

Friday, January 28, 2011

Big Support for Nebraska Ag against HSUS from their Governor.....

Well, there was no way I couldn't share this--what an awesome story this is, from Nebraska Farm Bureau's Young Farmer and Rancher Conference.  In the fight to defend our nation's agriculture against the war being waged by the Humane Society of the United States to supposedly 'protect' the animals that our nations farmer's and rancher's are raising.  Though they have won battles in California's poultry industry with things like Prop 2, in 2008 and Arizona's hog farmers (few thought they were) with Prop 204 before that.  Legislation passed by a general public with very little understanding behind the reasoning for the animal confinement to smaller crates, etc., with the help of the hefty wallet of the HSUS, a lobbying agency backed by many vegan and anmial rights groups.  While there may be humane society's operating at local levels who care for the mistreated pets, and even livestock of their areas, DO NOT confuse them with HSUS and their alterior motives.
In fact, if you are on facebook--check out the 'Humanewatch' page and learn more!!!/HumaneWatch

And one last WAY TO GO GOVERNOR HEINEMAN!!  Thanks for your support of your state's Agriculture, it would be so nice to have more out there like you!

Gov. Heineman Tells YF&Rs "We'll Kick HSUS' Butt!"

.by Nebraska Farm Bureau on Friday, January 21, 2011 at 11:57am.

Nebraska Gov. Dave Heineman reiterated his opposition to HSUS today in remarks at the Nebraska Farm Bureau Young Farmers and Ranchers Conference in Lincoln and said if HSUS attempts to force legislation in Nebraska, it will get its butt kicked.

“You (HSUS) come to Nebraska and you’re going to have the fight of your life. If you think you can intimidate Nebraskans, you’re kidding yourself. I’ll organize the whole state if that’s what it takes.” Heineman said he would work nonstop if HSUS pushes a ballot initiative, to be sure all the state’s citizens understand HSUS’ agenda and what it would mean in a state where livestock is the leading industry. “And then I’ll go to every state in the nation,” he said: “You have to be willing to stand up for your principles” he told the young agricultural leaders at the conference.
“We’re a state of 1.8 million people. We know each other pretty well in this state and that’s an advantage we have. Lincoln and Omaha (the state’s largest cities) will look to you (farmers and ranchers) for leadership” regarding HSUS’s actions, the governor said.

“Money doesn’t always win elections. People win elections . We’ve got to have people at the grassroots. It will be important for you to use social media to connect with all Nebraskans,” he said, along with talking about HSUS in every conversation after church and in the coffee shop.

HSUS will not find a single elected official in Nebraska willing to stand up in support of HSUS, he said, down to the NRD level. “They’re tough, but we’re tougher.
“I went to Ranger School and I’ve faced lots of tougher opponents. If they want to engage in guerrilla warfare, I’ll teach ‘em a lesson. I’ll do everything I can to stop them.”
The YF&Rs expressed their appreciation to Gov. Heineman for his leadership on the HSUS issue.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing this information about the good work going on elsewhere by advocates for farm and ranch families!
