On Friday, June 25th, Nevada Farm Bureau's YF&R members held their very first Summer Social at the Whipple Ranch, North of Alamo, Nevada. Though we had planned for one last summer, at the last minute it seemed to fall completely apart and everyone seemed to go every which way, so this year we were bound and determined to hang in there and pull through with it. Though our numbers were few, I would have to say that it was a great success.
The best way to ever start off a scoial is, of course, with FOOD!! Lee, with his assistant, Dann, headed up the dutch ovening, with some pretty great chicken and potates. Then there were plenty of brownies and cookies and soda to help us get our sugar high!
State FFA Officers, Ally and Jordan even happened to be passing this way and were able to stop and eat with us. The Perkins, the Mathews, and the Stratton families were also present, along with Stephanie Licht, our state Coordinator, and Communications Director, Zach Allen.
Behind the Chutes....
We had hoped to possibly hold a team roping, along with family events, but when it came down to it, it was hard to get that much off the ground for out first go-round. So, the kids, and Dann, got to do some mutton-bustin', which they LOVED!
Bryson P. climbing back up after his very first ride--they didn't holler at mom soon enough to get her camera out and get a better picture!
One of the Mathews boys--I think he's been watching his dad ride bulls--he's got the form down!
The other Mathews boy--now check out the next few pic's to see how determined this one was to hang on!!
Look Close, he's still there.....
See, I told you, he was still there!
A few seconds later he slid until the helmet was in the dirt and had to have been getting in his face, and it still took a little more before he let go!
The oldest and youngest of the Perkins crew--with Dad's help for the youngest.
Dann's big ride (s)!
Dann jumped on one, and then when Grant came with the second one, he decided he'd better take two since he's not such a little guy any more.
The youngest rider......
Time for a little Chicken Chasing--only we didn't want to risk the chickens, so we brought a goose and a couple of ducks.....the kids loved it all, though!
All in all, it was a great first social. As we were leaving, we were even making tentative plans for a second one at the end of the summer--maybe the day playing in the sun and water at Warm Springs?
So, for all of you who couldn't make it,but wanted to, and all of you who bombed out at the last minute, we hope that you are hoping for the next one because you can see what a great time you missed!!
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