Thanksgiving Dinner at My Home....
Well, Remember I told you in my post about the annual meeting in Winnemucca that I had gotten my potatoes there? Here's the proof! I had to show my kids the bag and the map and show them how I had traveled from the far right, closer to the bottom, all the way up and over to the star. They thought it was pretty cool. (So did I ;) ) Anyway, they made for some GREAT mashed potatoes! So, thanks to Winnemucca Farms and all of the nations potato producers, potatoes are a staple of life that I just can't even imagine life without--we normally eat Sunday dinner with my grandparents and my uncles family, and if there is one thing that is the highlight of dinner, it is the mashed potatoes and gravy. We had a lot of things going on this fall and had to miss it several times in a row, which just about did my six-year old under, he missed Grandma's mashed potatoes.
So, I decided I would take a few pic's of some of the things on our table this year and express my thanks for the bountiful harvest that we have in this nation due to the hard-working agriculturists that are the backbone of the country!
Dinner Rolls.....
I don't know about your family, but my family is very big on dinner rolls, with butter and jam, dipped in gravy, stuffed as a sandwich, whatever. We like our breads and carbohydrates--I usually stick to whole wheat, but when it comes to dinner rolls we have to have basic white, soft and yummy! I made about 9 dozen this year for Thanksgiving. My kids thought I was crazy for making so many--I guess they aren't counting how many they eat! So, to all the wheat growers in our nation, and those dairies producing the cream for that sweet cream butter--thank you for helping make my Thanksgiving Wonderful! I enjoyed learning more about Winnemucca Farms' wheat production, also--I make about 12-16 loaves of multi-grain whole wheat bread every two weeks, so wheat is a very important part of my storage room.
My FIRST Turkey!
Well, I have to say that I kind of shock myself in this category--I love to cook, BUT I have never had to cook a whole turkey before--always had mom or grandma or my mom-in-law there, but not this year, so my sis-in-law and I muddled through it--from the pic, I'd say we did okay--from the taste, I'd say we ought to start our own catering business! Okay, so I am maybe a little out of control, but it was pretty great. Thanks to all those poultry producers our there--this 24 lb bird came from the Butterball plant in Utah, close to my sis-in-law's. They wanted to get the 48 lber--YIPES--where in the world would we have cooked it? And to think there are people out there adopting them, instead of letting them come to their full-potential on a Thanksgiving table--I know if I was a turkey, I definitely wouldn't mind it if I ended up looking this good! ;)
Cheesy Broccoli Bake
Okay, so this was a new one that I found and loved--and at the request of many, I will be adding the recipe to my personal blog over the next few days--so, if you are interested, let me know! (Broccoli, Red Peppers, Cheddar and Cream Cheese, Fried Onions, More thanks go out to the veggie producers out there that keep us filled up on vitamins and flavor!)
Straight from my garden to my freezer, with only a little parching and cutting off in between. So, this time I get to thank ME for the hours of planting, watering, and weeding, not to mention the work of harvesting and freezing 30 quart bags of corn this year--should have been double that, but we had a hard time not eating it straight off the cob until we had about made ourselves sick and we finally decided to freeze some for later!!
A Few Past Salads....
Fruit and vegetables and pasta and more thanks to all of those great things that American farmers put on our table that just make Thanksgiving dinner so memorable and worth all the work for one meal a year!
Sweet Potato Better Than Pie?
This is one of those dishes that should be served as dessert--it is filled with butter and sugar and topped with pecans and coconut, and so good that you would never dream you might be eating a vegetable in there! Our cousin has requested now that I make this every time he comes to visit, and I really do think that he skipped the pie because he ate so much of this!!
Well, I honestly can't believe that I didn't take any pictures of the pie! Pecan, Coconut Cream, Hawaiian Cream, Chocolate Cream, Pumpkin, Key Lime, and Cheesecake all graced the dessert table--what would life be like without our dairy products and our SUGAR!?!?!?! I also toured a pecan farm last year at national YF&R which really opened my eyes up to where nuts come from on a production-basis. From sea to shining sea, our nation is covered with a bountiful harvest thanks to the American Farmer and Rancher! I am thankful for their dedication and hard work in making this industry one that provides so much for our nation and others!
Hope you all had a FABULOUS THANKSGIVING, too!